Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64

Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64

Sehr verehrte Damen und Herren, wir präsienteren Ihnen die acht größten Rowdies des Rings!
Sie werden Ihre ganze Kraft brauchen, um gegen diese hinterlistigen und gemeinen Gegner zu
bestehen. Ihre Gegenspieler kennen jeden unfairen Trick und sind die Lieblinge der Zuschauer.
Also seien Sie auf der Hut! Wir wünschen Hals- und Beinbruch!

And now we proudly present the Sultans of Slam. The Gurus of Gashes. The Champs of Chokes.
The meanest, nastiest, foulest fighters the canvas has ever seen. Ladies and Gentlemen, we
bring you the guys who use every dirty trick known to man. Catch-as-catch-can!

Championship Wrestling · ©1986
Action/Sport/Wrestling · Datasette/Tape
Developer: Free Radical Software, Inc.
Publisher: Epyx, Inc.

Bewertung: 2.5 Sterne
2 Stimmen

Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64

Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64
Championship Wrestling - Commodore 64

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