From the moment that Captain Xod's face appeared out of the static on the communicator, you
knew he was in trouble. As the only other Federation ship in the sector you had to go to his aid.
You need to fight your way through sixteen zones, collecting essential supplies for the fleet. At
the end of each sector you have a chance to refuel and restock but only after you have defeated
the most vicious alien you have ever seen. A strategic vertically scrolling shoot-em-up. You have
the option of swapping between two very different craft, to suit, the challenge facing you at the
time; either a ground-based saucer or a well armed, and faster fighter aircraft.
A fast moving thinking man's shoot-em-up!
FEATURES: Extra weapons and defences that appear throughout the game.

Xenon · ©1988
Vertical-Shooter · Diskette + Datasette/Tape
Developer: The Bitmap Brothers
Publisher: Melbourne House

Ich habe Xenon zweimal! · links: Die Disketten-Version · rechts: Die Datasetten-Version
I have Xenon twice! · left: The floppy disk version · right: The tape version

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